St Swithin's


Church renovations

Your church — for your generation

There’s been a church atop the hill here in Holmesfield for millennia. Each succeeding generation of Holmesfield folk have preserved, rebuilt and, where necessary, adapted the building for changing times. We are now seeking to make some alterations to the interior of the church to make it a space that works better for children and for those who use mobility aids such as wheelchairs. In addition we need to replace the 1960s boiler and the much older gravity-fed and inefficient cast-iron radiators. Our sound system with its 1960s speakers is also in need of an upgrade, along with the need for a discreet projection screen system for visuals.

The church belongs to the parish of Holmesfield, and those of us who are temporary custodians of it (including your vicar!), want to see it being used by as many people as possible from the village and surrounding hamlets. Whether you wandering in for some peace and quiet during market days, giving thanks for the fallen on Remembrance Sunday; celebrating the joy of new life at a christening and exciting new beginnings at a wedding; or saying goodbye to a loved one at a funeral, we want to make your church a warm, friendly, flexible and accessible space for everyone.


We need your help to make this vision a reality. Could you make a financial contribution towards this important work? Or with costs ever-increasing, would you be prepared to underwrite some of the work so that we can proceed more quickly?

These are the current estimated costs:

£ 40,000      Heating system

£ 8,000         Sound system

£ 12,000       Visual system

£ 40,000      Re-ordering work

£100,000     Total

Please do make a donation (which can be gift aided and will be ring-fenced solely for this project) or get in touch with us for more information.

Click below to view the latest plans!